Martin Stolpe Andersen defends his PhD thesis


‘Measurement Models in Learning Environments: Cognitive Load Theory and Social Cognitive Career Theory in Virtual, Physical and Online Learning'.

Time and place

27th October 2021 at 1 pm.

The defence will take place at CSS 2.0.30, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K.

The defence will also be available on Zoom. Click here to participatePasscode: 219643.

Assessment committee

  • Associate Professor Karen-Inge Karstoft, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (chair)

  • Professor Alexander Klippel, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands

  • Associate Professor Konstantinos Koumaditis, Aarhus University, Denmark


  • Associate Professor Guido Makransky, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


This dissertation examines the validity and reliability of different types of measurement models in the frameworks of Cognitive Load Theory and Social Cognitive Career Theory. Through both Item Response Theory and Structural Equation Modelling, the thesis examines the validity of the measurement models as well as their effect on relevant outcomes, both directly and mediated. Both theoretical models are relevant in terms of learning and they are used across differing learning environments, such as traditional lectures, online lectures, and immersive VR environments.