Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics

Girl in front of window with art

The primary purpose of the Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics is to carry out phenomenological studies of how people experience works of art. We seek to describe and understand the nature of intense experiences with art and their psychological consequences.




The aim of the Center is to carry out research within the area of phenomenological psychology with a specific focus on phenomenological aesthetics. Phenomenological psychology has soon a hundred year long history at the Department of Psychology in Copenhagen, and primary to our method is an insistence on descriptions of the appearance of the phenomenon in question in conjunction with the development of explanatory theories.

The primary purpose of the Center is to carry out phenomenological studies of how people experience works of art. We seek to describe and understand the nature of intense experiences with art and their psychological consequences. Such inquiries involve working systematically on topics such as sensation, affectivity, emotion, and perception, all deeply embedded in general and individual psychological processes.

The Center is founded to encourage a deepened understanding of art as a phenomenon which provide for personal and cultural development and enrichment.

Article in Indput by stud.psych. Casper Schact Lund:
Æstetisk erfaring og det præ-refleksive selv (in Danish).

'Studerende i Babelsbiblioteket' podcast episode with PhD student Anders Essom-Stenz
Fænomenologi og kunstoplevelser (in Danish).

Kandinsky's Swing
Chris Corcoran, composer and PhD student at Cambridge University, has created a musical piece for the conference, Moving Art, held on 31st of August and 1st of September 2018.
Listen to it here. 




















Art - Hilma von Klint

An empirical investigation in phenomenological psychology 

Aesthetic experiences can be profoundly meaningful. They can offer new perspectives on the way we feel about ourselves and the world in which we live even though they can be diffuse, complex, and difficult to describe. In this project, we investigate imaginary aspects of such experiences as they unfold in the work of art. We also study how an encounter with a work of art holds the possibility of a deep experience of beauty. By empirically investigating both beauty and the imaginary via interviews in dialogue with theory, we will develop a new framework of understanding the power of art.

Funding: Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Fellowship Prize

Period: May 2020 – May 2023

Principal investigator: Associate Professor Tone Roald

Participating Researchers: PhD student Anders Essom-Stenz, PhD student Benedikte Kudahl, Research assistant Frederik M Bjerregaard-Nielsen, Research assistant Isabel Sidenius Botwel and Associate Professor Tone Roald


An investigation in phenomenological psychology 

Art has the capacity to shape and alter who we are. As part of the research center on the psychology of aesthetics, it is the aim of this project to show how experiences with art influence the so-called “pre-reflective” part of who we are. The pre-reflective self has frequently been proposed as particularly present in experiences with art. It refers to the intertwined bodily and affective dimensions of subjectivity, and will be investigated through empirical studies at major art museums based on well-established methods in phenomenological psychology. Through qualitative descriptions of experience (obtained via interviews and observation) and theoretical analyses, we will formulate a theory about the complex combinations of movements, gestures, facial expressions, and emotions as components of aesthetic experience. This way we will explain the psychological importance of art on the pre-reflective self.  

Funding: Danish Council for Independent Research

Period: March 2017 – September 2020

Principal investigator: Associate Professor Tone Roald

Participating Researchers: Associate Professor Bjarne S. Funch, Postdoc Simon Høffding, Professor Simo Køppe, Postdoc Kasper Levin, PhD student Jannik Mosekjær Hansen and Associate Professor Tone Roald









The Psychology of Artistic Creativity - An Existential-Phenomenological Study / Funch, Bjarne Sode.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021.

The Subject of Aesthetics : A psychology of art and experience / Roald, Tone.
Leiden : Brill, 2015.

Art and Identity : Essays on the Aesthetic Creation of Mind / Roald, Tone (Editor); Lang, Johannes (Editor).
Amsterdam/New York : Brill | Rodopi, 2013.

Matissekapellet : Et jordisk paradis / Funch, Bjarne Sode.
Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2010.

Cognition in emotion : An investigation through experiences with art / Roald, Tone.
Amsterdam, New York : Brill | Rodopi, 2007. 

Livstemaer i eksistenspsykologisk perspektiv / Funch, Bjarne Sode (Editor); Jacobsen, Bjarne (Editor); la Cour, Peter (Editor).
København : Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2006.



ICNAP XIV: Affect in Dialogue. A conference on phenomenology of affect

29 May - 2 June 2023

Affect has been a central theme of inquiry throughout the history of phenomenology. As the colouring of our experiences, it relates to aesthetics, ethics, psychopathology, social justice and many other areas of investigation. Submission of abstracts and registration are now open for the 2023 international conference on the phenomenology of affect hosted by Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics.

See more information here: 

Moving Art

This conference was held on the 31st of August-1st of September 2018 and was about psychological consequences of aesthetic experiences. Guest speakers were Professors Brian Massumi (University of Montreal), Erin Manning (Concordia University) Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University), Mark Freeman (College of the Holy Cross) and Richard Shusterman (Florida Atlantic University).

Art & Identity

This conference was held on 7th-8th of May, 2010 and was about how art affects identity. Guest speakers were Professors Ciarán Benson (University College Dublin), Andrew Bowie (University of London), Gerald Cupchik (University of Toronto),  Judy Gammelgaard (University of Copenhagen), Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University) and Mark Johnson (University of Oregon).   


PhD Course in Phenomenological Psychology

Tone Roald (Organizer)

7 - 9 June 2022

Seminar on Reading Experiences with Professor Rita Felski (University of Virginia)

Lea Isabel Sidenius (Organizer)

31 May 2022

Seminar on the experience of beauty in art with Professor Frederick Wertz (Fordham University)

Tone Roald (Organizer)

14 December 2021

Seminar on the imaginary with Professor Frederick Wertz (Fordham University)

Tone Roald (Organizer)

12 December 2021

Seminar on beauty and the imaginary with Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University)

Tone Roald (Organizer)

1 December 2021

Seminar with cand.psych. Kirsten Bertelsen on aesthetic experiences and participatory art

Anders Essom-Stenz (Organizer)

24 August 2020

Seminar with Dr. Joel Kruger on music and empathy

Tone Roald (Organizer)

9 January 2020

Seminar with Jörgen Pind on Edgar Rubin

Bjarne Sode Funch (Organizer)

PhD course: Descriptive phenomenology. Theory and Method

Tone Roald (Organizer)

28 - 30 October 2019

Seminar with Dr. Frederick Wertz on Phenomenological Psychology

Tone Roald (Organizer)

6 September 2019

Seminar with artist Katrine Dirckinck-Holmfeld on affect and time

Tone Roald (Organizer)

24 May 2019

Seminar with Associate Professor Susanne Ravn on Qualitative methods

Tone Roald (Organizer)

4 November 2018

Aesthetics seminar with Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

Tone Roald (Organizer)

4 - 6 September 2018

Swing Psychology: Empirically assessing aesthetic issues in swing music performance. Talk by composer and ph.d.-student Chris Corcoran

Simon Høffding (Organizer)

25 April 2018

Phenomenological and Qualitative Psychological Research. Talk by Professor James Morley & Associate Professor Magnus Englander

Tone Roald (Organizer)

2 March 2018

Recognizing motives. Talk by Professor Morten Nissen

Tone Roald (Organizer)

29 November 2017

Seminar with Assistant Professor Gonzalo Obelleiro on John Dewey's Art as experience

Simon Høffding (Organizer)

28 November 2017

The primacy of movement. Seminar with Courtesy Professor Maxine Sheets-Johnstone

Tone Roald (Organizer)

21 September 2015

Presence. Talk by Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

Tone Roald (Organizer)

8 May 2015

The embodied mind. Talk by Professor Mark Johnson

Tone Roald (Organizer)

2 March 2015

Aesthetics of the embodied mind. Seminar with Professor Mark Johnson

Tone Roald (Organizer)






Head of center

Tone Roald
Associate Professor

Research staff at the center

Tone Roald
Associate Professor
Phone: +45 35 32 48 47
Orcid: 0000-0002-0932-6934
Simo Køppe Simo Køppe
Phone: +45 35 32 48 72
Bjarne Sode Funch Bjarne Sode Funch
Affiliate Professor
Phone: +45 35 33 53 58
Orcid: 0000-0002-8999-5299
Benedikte Kudahl
Siyuan Liu
PhD student 
Lea Isabel Sidenius
Research assistant 


Birgit Ærenlund Bundesen
Chief physician and Director of Center for Art and Mental Health
João Pedro Fróis
Senior Researcher
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal 
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Department of Comparative Literature
Stanford University

Mark Johnson
Department of Philosophy
University of Oregon
Albert A. Johnstone
Courtesy Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Oregon
Inge Merete Kjeldgaard
Director of Esbjerg Art Museum
James Morley
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Ramapo College,
Mette Houlberg Rung
Statens Museum for Kunst
Richard Schusterman
Department of English
Florida Atlantic University

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
Courtesy Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Oregon
Frederick Wertz
Department of Psychology
Fordham University