Grant 2024.06.28 How are people affected by aesthetic atmospheres? With support from VELUX FONDEN, Associate Professor Tone Roald will investigate how we experience atmospheres created by music and architecture. The aim is to describe what characterises such atmospheres and how they affect us.
APPOINTMENT 2024.06.21 Experienced leader to head the Department of Psychology Future Professor of Consumer Psychology Annemarie Olsen will head the Department of Psychology over the coming years.
10 Oct. 2024, 12:00-13:00 Kom til paneldebat: Hvordan kan samfundsvidenskaberne bidrage til at løse trivselskrisen? Mistrivsel er en af samfundets store udfordringer. Fem fremtrædende samfundsforskere giver den 10. oktober giver deres bud på, hvordan samfundsvidenskaberne kan bidrage til at fremme mental sundhed.
10 Oct. 2024, 16:00-17:30 Kandidatreception på Psykologi Så er det blevet tid til at fejre jeres nyligt opnåede kandidatgrader ved en kandidatreception for dimittender.