The PhD programme
The PhD programme at the Department of Psychology is a three year full-time research programme fully or partially funded by external funds. The Department currently has no open calls.
Entering the PhD programme requires an academically relevant Danish master's degree or equivalent qualifications, such as a master's degree from a foreign university.
The PhD programme is a three-year full-time course. The candidates individually plan their study, which involves:
- A supervised scientific research project
- Courses corresponding to six months studies (totalling 30 ECTS points)
- Teaching and knowledge dissemination
- Networking with active research groups - preferably international groups
- A thesis and public defence of the thesis
The PhD programme at the Department of Psychology is described in detail in the Regulations for the PhD programme in Psychology.
You can also find more information on the PhD School in the Social Sciences' website.
The PhD programme adheres to rules and guidelines ranging from the general international rules to the more specific departmental regulations.
The Faculty of Social Sciences has established a PhD School wherein all the faculty's PhD programmes are represented. Find more information about the PhD School in the Social Sciences.
The Head of the PhD School is also chairman of the PhD Study Committee. The PhD Study Committee decides on the general guidelines for the PhD programme at the faculty.
The PhD Study Committee consists of the chairman and the faculty's five subjects represented by one member of the academic staff and one PhD student. The member of the academic staff is elected for a three-year period and the PhD student is elected for a one year period.
Regulations for the PhD programme at the Department of Psychology.
On the PhD School's website, you can find the legal framework for the PhD study programme.
Currently, there are two possibilities to apply for a PhD scholarship/PhD position at the Department of Psychology.
Option 1
When researchers or research groups have funding for a new PhD scholarship/position, they will always advertise the position in UCPH's Job Portal. Such scholarships/positions can be announced throughout the year. Typically, the application deadlines are several weeks, so – as an interested student/graduate – you might want to check this website once a month. Some of the requirements for applying might differ between the different job calls, so please check the job ads carefully.
Option 2
In case you have your own funding, you can apply for enrollment only. The funding should cover the tuition fees of DKK 72,000 per year. Furthermore, the funding must also cover living expenses/salary for three years. The minimum amount needed to cover these expenses is defined as DKK 12,600 per month for the whole study period. Please note that this is the minimum amount, and that this amount refers to cover the living expenses of one person only.
In case you have your own funding, please contact the PhD School regarding the procedure for applying for enrolment.
You can also find more information on the PhD School in the Social Sciences' website.
The PhD School's PhD courses
Go to the PhD School in the Social Sciences' website.
PhD courses in Denmark
Go to the National Database for PhD courses in Denmark.
Payment for participation in PhD courses at Psychology
Participation in subject-specific PhD courses offered by the Department of Psychology is free of charge for PhD students in Denmark, if they are enrolled at an institution that is part of the Open Market Agreement for PhD Courses. This only applies to full degree PhD students enrolled at the Department.
External PhD students and Master's students must pay DKK 750 (100 Euros) for each course day. Visiting students and students from Departments outside of Denmark (incl. Greenland) must pay the same amount in order to attend a PhD course.
Other academic staff at the University of Copenhagen can participate in our PhD courses free of charge. However, please note that PhD students have first priority. External academic staff who wish to participate in the courses, must pay DKK 1,500 for each course day.
PhD School

Want to apply? Find details on the PhD School's website.
Enrolled already?
Go to the PhD School at KUnet if you are already enrolled as a PhD student.