How to find us

The Department of Psychology is located at two addresses.

The primary address

Øster Farimagsgade 2A
DK-1353 Copenhagen K


Øster Farimagsgade is a part of the Centre for Health and Society, in Danish abbreviated CSS, which mainly is situated at the former municipal hospital of Copenhagen(Kommunehospitalet) right across from the Botanical Garden and next to 'the inner Copenhagen lakes'. 

The main address to the Centre for Health and Society is:

Øster Farimagsgade 5
DK-1353 Copenhagen K

Some of the department's researchers have their offices here.

To find your way around campus, we have several maps:

Office numbers contain the all necessary information about building number, floor and, of course, room number that is needed to find any room on the premises. First digit indicates building number, second digit indicates on which floor the room is located and the third digit is the room number, e.g. 10.1.23 means that room 23 is located in Building 10 on the 1st floor. If the room number says 01 in the second digit, it means that the room is located in the basement.