Lau Lilleholt defends his PhD thesis


'Human Preferences: From Risk to (Dis)Honesty'.

Time and place

11th October 2021 at 10 am.

The defence will take place at CSS 7.0.18, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K.

The defence will also be available on Zoom. Click here to participatePasscode: 712019.

Assessment committee

  • Associate Professor Signe Allerup Vangkilde, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen (chair)

  • Professor Dr. Andreas Glöckner, University of Cologne

  • Professor Dr. Shaul Shalvi, University of Amsterdam


  • Professor Ingo Zettler, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen


Most important decisions people make throughout their life involve some degree of risk. Similarly, people often face a choice between telling the truth, or dishonestly misreporting some privately held information for their own personal benefit. With this in mind, the present PhD dissertation aims to extend the burgeoning literature on human preferences for risk and (dis)honesty in a series of five independent manuscripts. More specifically, drawing on a broad range of quantitative research methods including meta-analysis, surveys, and online experiments the present dissertation seeks to provide new insights to the study of human preferences for risk and (dis)honesty by exploring the following questions: (1) To what extent do interindividual differences in cognitive ability shape people’s risk preferences? (2) How do situational influences such as immediate emotions, monitoring, resource scarcity, and collective punishment affect people’s preferences for risk and (dis)honesty?