Gender inequality 2025.02.04 Grandmothers experience a significant income drop when the first grandchild arrives When women have grandchildren, their connection to the labour market weakens – and with it their income. Grandfathers are largely spared. This is according to a new study from the University of Copenhagen and the London School of Economics.
GRANT 2024.12.18 Infants' development of self-awareness to be explored with major grant A new research project will investigate how infants' brains develop self-awareness. The project, supported by Carlsberg Foundation, is led by Victoria Southgate, Professor at the Department of Psychology.
28 Feb. 2025, 14:00-17:00 Bao-Thi Van Cong defends her PhD thesis The title of the PhD thesis is 'Blurr/y/ing Boundaries, Forging Coalitions: Intersectionality and Solidarity in Queer Movements'.
14 Mar. 2025, 14:00-16:00 Lancering af Nationalt Videnscenter for Tidlig Indsats og Familieforskning Sæt kryds i kalenderen fredag den 14. marts 2025 kl. 14-16. På dagen får du et indblik i vores ambitioner for, hvordan vi gennem forskning og innovativ praksis vil fremme mental sundhed hos de 0-5-årige børn.