Grant 2024.06.28 How are people affected by aesthetic atmospheres? With support from VELUX FONDEN, Tone Roald from the Department of Psychology will investigate how w…
APPOINTMENT 2024.06.21 Experienced leader to head the Department of Psychology Future Professor of Consumer Psychology Annemarie Olsen will head the Department of Psychology over…
Grant 2024.06.07 New parenting programme to help children in families with complex psychosocial problems With a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, researchers from the Department of Psychology will…
WAR AND CONFLICT 2024.03.07 Psychologists: Hoping for victory can stand in the way of peace Does it make a difference whether you hope for victory or peace in armed conflicts? Yes, according…
Study 2024.02.22 Fewer Ukrainian refugees in Denmark show symptoms of post-traumatic stress A new study of Ukrainian refugees in Denmark shows a significant drop in the proportion reporting…
GRANT 2024.01.25 EU to support psychedelic therapy for patients with progressive incurable disease A new research project is investigating whether the psychedelic drug psilocybin can be used for the…
ANCESTRY 2024.01.17 Can DNA revelations change your views on race? Does it influence people's views on race when they learn about their own DNA roots? Not much,…
Mental health 2023.12.22 AI can spot suicidal tendencies among young people An increasing number of young people are attempting suicide. While old methods of assessing risk…
Psychology 2023.10.13 Pandemic fatigue makes us disregard health-protective behaviour Psychologists have mapped the phenomenon of 'pandemic fatigue'. The researchers conclude that over…
Grant 2023.10.12 Face recognition assessment needs to be improved A new research project aims to shed light on how face recognition develops throughout life – and ho…
GRANT 2023.09.14 Research project focuses on children's attention in an everyday life filled with distractions A new research project from the Department of Psychology aims to improve the academic and social…
War trauma 2023.09.08 Ukrainian refugees in Denmark struggle with symptoms of post-traumatic stress The first comprehensive study of Ukrainian refugees' lives in Denmark shows that almost one in thre…
COGNITION 2023.07.03 Infants are not egocentric: Trust other people's attention more than their own Babies rely on other people to look after them. New research from the Department of Psychology show…
Behaviour 2023.06.06 Are poorer people more dishonest? No, but prejudice can have an impact Most people believe that there is a link between resource scarcity and dishonest behaviour.…
Extremism 2023.05.23 Cultural threats can lead to violent extremism People with specific personality traits who perceive their cultural values as threatened are more…