COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring in Denmark (COSMO-Denmark)

The COSMO-Denmark project assessed Danish citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, emotions, and behaviours related to the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the associated coronavirus disease (COVID-19) over time. The data collection ran from March 2020 until September 2021.

People with masks waiting for a bus

COSMO-Denmark relied on a mixture of weekly, biweekly, and monthly repeated cross-sectional surveys and panel surveys.

COSMO-Denmark was part of the Behavioural Insights on COVID-19 survey network initiative coordinated by the World Health Organization/Regional Office for Europe.




Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Meineche, J. T., Strandsbjerg, C. F., Windfeld, A., Windfeld, F. C. & Zettler, I. (2020) The COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring in DenmarkSamfundsøkonomen, 4, 62-69.

Geiger, M., Rees, F., Lilleholt, L., Santana, A. P., Zettler, I., Wilhelm, O., Betsch, C. & Böhm, R. (2022) Measuring the 7Cs of Vaccination ReadinessEuropean Journal of Psychological Assessment, 38(4), 261-269.

Jirsa, V., Petkoski, S., Wang, H., Woodman, M., Fousek, J., Betsch, C., Felgendreff, L., Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Zettler, I., Faber, S., Shen, K. & McIntosh, A. (2020) Integrating psychosocial variables and societal diversity in epidemic models for predicting COVID-19 transmission dynamicsPLOS Digital Health 1(8).

Kaufmann, T., Lilleholt, L., Böhm, R., Zettler, I. & Heck, D. W. (2022) Sensitive attitudes and adherence to recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing direct and indirect questioning techniquesPersonality and Individual Differences, 190, 111525.

Lilleholt, L., Zettler, I., Betsch, C. & Böhm, R. (2023) Development and validation of the pandemic fatigue scale, Nature Communications, 14(1), 6352.

Pummerer, L., Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Winter, K., Zettler, I. & Sassenberg, K. (2022) Conspiracy theories and their societal effects during the COVID-19 pandemicSocial Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 49-59.

Rees, F., Geiger, M., Lilleholt, L., Zettler, I., Betsch, C., Böhm, R. & Wilhelm, O. (2022) Measuring parents’ readiness to vaccinate themselves and their children against COVID-19, Vaccine, 40(28), 3825-3834.

Scholz, D. D., Bader, M., Betsch, C., Böhm, R., Lilleholt, L., Sprengholz, P. & Zettler, I. (2024) The moderating role of trust in pandemic-relevant institutions on the relation between pandemic fatigue and vaccination intentionsJournal of Health Psychology, 29(4), 358-364.

Zettler, I., Lilleholt, L., Böhm, R. & Gondan, M. (2021) Comparing responses in repeated cross-sectional and panel studies: Results across eight weeks during the first COVID-19 lockdown in DenmarkPsychological Assessment, 33(8), 691-704.

Zettler, I., Schild, C., Lilleholt, L., Kroencke, L., Utesch, T., Moshagen, M., Böhm, R., Back, M. D. & Geukes, K. (2022) The Role of Personality in COVID-19-Related Perceptions, Evaluations, and Behaviors: Findings Across Five Samples, Nine Traits, and 17 CriteriaSocial Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 299-310.


COSMO-Denmark received funding from the following institutions:

Lundbeck Foundation

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen


Internal researchers

Name Title E-mail Photo

Robert Böhm



Robert Böhm. Photo: Nils Meilvang

Lau Lilleholt

Assistant Professor - Tenure Track 


Lau Lilleholt. Photo: Phillip Nørgaard

Ingo Zettler



Ingo Zettler. Photo:

Student assistants

  • Josefine T. Meineche
  • Cecilie F. Strandsbjerg
  • Andreas Windfeld
  • Frederik C. Windfeld

As can be seen from the publications, we were lucky and happy to collaborate with many researchers outside the University of Copenhagen.



Ingo Zettler
Phone: +45 35 32 48 50