Guido Makransky Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 62 76
- Educational Psychology
- Virtual reality and technology enhanced learning
- Learning and interest within natural science
Jesper Dammeyer Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 68 |
- Disability, deaf and deaf-blind
- Clinical Child Psychology, Infant Psychology, and Educational Psychology
- Language development
Mette Skovgaard Væver Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 49 06 Mobile: +45 28 74 19 66
- Infant and young children's mental development
- Attachment and care of caregivers
- Parenthood
- Early intervention and prevention
Victoria Southgate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 43 40
- Early child development
- Cognitive development
- Brain development and neuroimaging
- Social cognition
Johanne Smith-Nielsen Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 49 44 Mobile: +45 23 98 43 03
- Infants' mental health
- Early attachment and intervention
- Early mother-infant interaction
- Perinatal depression
Katrine Røhder Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 00
- Social and emotional development in early childhood (0-5 years)
- Congenital developmental disabilities, including cerebral palsy
- Attachment and caregiving
- Early detection and intervention
- Pedagogical-psychological counselling (0-5 years)
- Parenthood
Sonja Breinholst Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 92
- Anxiety, depression, school refusal behaviour, and wellbeing
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Clinical Child Psychology
- Parental behaviour and parent-based interventions
- Early intervention and prevention
- Parent-child interaction
Xuan Li Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 26 38
- Fatherhood
- Parenting
- Socio-emotional development
- Gender socialization
Dora Kampis Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 39 85
- Social cognition
- Early childhood cognition
- Social and cognitive development
- Neuroimaging
Ida Egmose Pedersen Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 05 28
- Social and emotional development
- Perinatal depression
- Children and parental use of screens
- Day care for children
- Quality of interaction and attachment
- Early detection and intervention
Katarina Begus Assistant Professor
- Infant cognitive development
- Curiosity
- Information seeking
- Active (social) learning
- Neuroimaging
- Eye-tracking
- Caregiver-child interaction
Monika Walczak Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 49 43
- Anxiety, depression and school refusal behaviour
- Metacognitive therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy
- Parent-based interventions
Emanuela Yeung Assistant Professor
- Developmental psychology and infancy
- Cognitive development and social understanding
- Eye tracking, pupillometry and EEG
Cécile Gal Postdoc
| Phone: +45 35 33 40 79
- Brain development
- Infancy
- Learning and curiosity
- Neuroimaging, EEG, and eye-tracking
Charlotte Bjerre Meilstrup Postdoc
| Phone: +45 35 32 20 67
- Mental health promotion and wellbeing
- Partnerships
- ABCs of Mental Health
- Intervention research
- Bridging between research and practice
Katrine I. Wendelboe Postdoc
| Phone: +45 35 33 46 58
- Early intervention and attachment
- Mentalizing and parental mentalizing
- Perinatal depression
- Clinical psychology
Line Nielsen Postdoc
| Phone: +45 35 32 21 03
- Public mental health, mental health promotion and wellbeing
- Partnerships
- Social inequality
Nicolas François René Goupil Postdoc
| Phone: +4535336422
- Social cognition
- Early childhood cognition
- Social and cognitive development
- Developmental cognitive neuroimaging
- Social perception
- Higher vision
Anne Marie Hastrup Kristensen PhD student
| Mobile: +45 50 59 35 25
- Attention difficulties
- Initiatives in primary school
- Academic and social wellbeing
- Childhood and school days in a digital age
Emilie Hestbæk PhD student
- Early detection and intervention
- Parents with mental illness
- Mentalisation
- Psychiatry
- Psychotherapy
- Personality disorders and trauma
- Vulnerable pregnant women