Personality Psychology

The work of the research group Personality Psychology centers around subjectivity, sensing and sensuality as pertains to personality psychology.




A part of our work is to investigate how sensing takes place as a basic orienting feature for the individual in relation to typical and more atypical ways of experiencing. Sensing can be seen as a fundamental aspect of sensuality, which pertains to affects as well as to corporeal sensations, including sexuality, and is investigated as part of the lived experience of everyday life. Both sensing and sensuality can be seen as edifying features of subjectivity. 

Subjectivity is, however, not only investigated as pertains to sensing and sensuality, but also in its own totality and in its own complex, personal setting. In this regard we research how subjectivity and personhood vary between different contexts and how persons mediate, construct and develop subjectivity in different context in interaction with cultural and personal standards.

Furthermore, we investigate how different judges judge personality, and how their implicit theories about personality have an impact on their behaviour. We focus on these central themes from diverse perspectives of psychology, with the task of seeking an understanding of these phenomena which will illuminate unity well as differences in experience and theory about personhood.








Bachelor Programme

  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Personality Psychology
  • Philosophy of Science and the History of Psychology
  • Scientific Design and Philosophy of Science

Master Programme

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Elective Courses
  • Master’s Thesis
  • Social-, Development- and Integration Psychology
  • Qualitative Methods























In Denmark

  • Centre for Sexology Research at Aalborg University
  • Affiliate Professor Bjarne Sode Funch, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
  • Associate Professor Emerita Lis Højgaard, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Associate Professor Kirsten Hyldgaard, Aarhus University, DPU, Campus Emdrup
  • Assistant Professor Kasper Levin, Roskilde Universiy, Psychology
  • Professor Henrik Høgh Olesen, Aarhus University, Psychology
  • Sexology Clinic, Psychiatric Centre, Copenhagen
  • Work and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen


  • Department of Psychology - Arbeitseinheit Psychologische Diagnostik und Persönlichkeitspsychologie (Albrecht Küfner, Mitja Back), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
  • Le Fondation Jean Laplanche
  • Professor David Funder, University of California, Riverside, USA
  • Assistant Professor Matthew Pelowski, University of Vienna
  • Professor Emeritus Ciaran Benson. University College Dublin. Psykologi






Name Title Phone E-mail
Simo Køppe Professor E-mail
Tone Roald Associate Professor +4535324847 E-mail


Simo Køppe