Cognition and Neuropsychology

The research in this section is characterized by a number of partly overlapping research lines within cognitive psychology, cognitive and clinical neuropsychology, cognitive neuropsychiatry, and infant social cognition. The main shared interests in the group are experimental test methods, cognitive testing of clinical populations (e.g., stroke, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and depression), and physiological investigation methods (TMS, EEG, eye tracking/pupillometry, functional and structural MRI). Examples of current focus areas include: development of social cognition in young children, cognitive difficulties after damage to the brain, attention and cognitive control in developmental disorders, cognitive motor control, mathematical models of attention and cognitive control, and cognitive remediation in bipolar disorder. See more elaborate project descriptions under each of the section’s research groups.

Head of section: Professor Thomas Habekost.

Research groups within the section


Lab meetings

We have lab meetings every Friday afternoon, a tradition that has been kept over 15 years. Here researchers at the center take turns presenting their current projects or we invite external speakers for new input. Practical matters, especially concerning lab equipment and social events, are also coordinated at these meetings. Interested students are welcome to participate. 

Lab Meeting Schedule.