Academic staff

Members of the academic staff at the Department of Psychology.

Name Title Job responsibilities
Anders Petersen Associate Professor Visual attention, memory, mathematical modelling, eye tracking, pupillometry, EEG Billede af Anders Petersen
Ann-Louise Holten Associate Professor Work & Organizational Psychology, leadership & leadership development, organizational change & interventions, entrepreneurship & startups Billede af Ann-Louise Holten
Anne Bryde Christensen Assistant Professor Billede af Anne Bryde Christensen
Anne Christine Stuart Postdoc Quantitative methods, interventional analyses, causality, prediction, psychometri, parent-child interaction, socio-emotional development, parenting Billede af Anne Christine Stuart
Annemarie Olsen Head of Department, Professor Sensory science, consumer science, eating behaviour, food preferences, food choice Billede af Annemarie Olsen
Asmus Vogel Associate Professor Neuropsychology, cognitive disorders in neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, cognitive aging, memory, cognitive testing Billede af Asmus Vogel
Benedikte Kudahl Postdoc Billede af Benedikte Kudahl
Birgitte Fagerlund Professor Billede af Birgitte Fagerlund
Bo Bach Clinical Professor Personality function, personality disorder, psychopathology, differential diagnostics, ICD-11, HiTOP, neurodiversity, assessment, test, schema therapy Billede af Bo Bach
Brady Wagoner Professor Cultural Psychology, memory studies, General Psychology, social change, history of ideas, dialogical analysis, qualitative and visual methods Billede af Brady Wagoner
Charlotte Bjerre Meilstrup Postdoc ABCs of mental health, mental health promotion, well-being, partnerships, interventions, children/adolescents, bridging between research and practice Billede af Charlotte Bjerre Meilstrup
Cécile Gal Postdoc Cognitive development, brain development, infancy, neuroimaging, EEG, eye tracking, learning, curiosity Billede af Cécile Gal
David Ricardo Quiroga Martinez Postdoc Auditory working memory and imagination, neuroscience of music, intracranial EEG and MEG, reward coding in the brain Billede af David Ricardo Quiroga Martinez
Dea Siggaard Stenbæk Associate Professor Psychedelic research, neuropsychiatry, research on the brain, depression Billede af Dea Siggaard Stenbæk
Dora Kampis Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Social cognition, early childhood cognition, social and cognitive development, developmental cognitive neuroimaging Billede af Dora Kampis
Elena Bermejo Martins Postdoc Public mental health, mental health promotion, wellbeing, complex interventions, mixed-methods, healthcare, occupational health psychology Billede af Elena Bermejo Martins
Emanuela Yeung Assistant Professor Developmental psychology, infancy, cognitive development, social understanding, eye tracking, pupillometry, EEG Billede af Emanuela Yeung
Eva Back Madsen Postdoc Parents and infants, parental mentalization, reflective functioning, attachment, socio-emotional development, first-time parents, quantitative methods Billede af Eva Back Madsen
Guido Makransky Professor Educational Psychology, virtual reality, technology enhanced learning, behavioral change interventions, Environmental Psychology Billede af Guido Makransky
Gustav Bøg Lassen Petersen Postdoc Educational psychology, technology-based learning, virtual reality, pedagogical agents, avatars Billede af Gustav Bøg Lassen Petersen
Hana Malá Rytter Associate Professor Concussion, acquired brain injury, neuroplasticity, neurorehabilitation, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology Billede af Hana Malá Rytter
Ida Egmose Pedersen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Early intervention, parent-child interaction, screen use, parenthood, attachment Billede af Ida Egmose Pedersen
Ingo Zettler Professor Dishonesty, personality, behavioral science, open science, prosocial behavior, aversive (dark) traits, sports psychology, personality assessment Billede af Ingo Zettler
Irene Lundkvist-Houndoumadi Postdoc Billede af Irene Lundkvist-Houndoumadi
Jesper Dammeyer Professor Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology, Educational Psychology Billede af Jesper Dammeyer
Jesper Fries Postdoc Early intervention, wellbeing, education, quantitative methods, causality, register data Billede af Jesper Fries
Jia Li Associate Professor Work and Organisational Psychology, teams, leadership, change and dynamics, interdisciplinary research about organisations and management Billede af Jia Li
Jochen Eberhard Gebauer Professor Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cross-cultural Psychology, self, agency and communion, overconfidence Billede af Jochen Eberhard Gebauer
Johanne Smith-Nielsen Associate Professor Clinical Psychology, postnatal depression, early childhood mental health & attachment, caregiver-child relationship, center-based childcare quality Billede af Johanne Smith-Nielsen
Julia Jäkel Professor Early life risk, resilience, long-term development, mental health, preterm birth, immigrant children, intersectionality and inequality Billede af Julia Jäkel
Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak Professor Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, mood disorders, cognitive function, interventions, randomised controlled trials, prevention, neuroimaging, biomarkers Billede af Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak
Karen-Inge Karstoft Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Trauma, resilience, psychometrics, prediction, epidemiology Billede af Karen-Inge Karstoft
Katarina Begus Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Infant cognitive development, curiosity, information seeking, active (social) learning, neuroimaging, eye tracking, caregiver-child interaction Billede af Katarina Begus
Kathrine Sørensen Postdoc Work-related stress, leadership and mental health of the employee Billede af Kathrine Sørensen
Katrine Røhder Associate Professor Parent-child interaction, cerebral palsy, perinatal mental health, caregiving representations, infant socio-emotional development, early interventions Billede af Katrine Røhder
Katrine Isabella Wendelboe Postdoc Early intervention, attachment, mentalizing, parental mentalizing, perinatal depression, Circle of Security Billede af Katrine Isabella Wendelboe
Laila Øksnebjerg Associate Professor Neuropsychology, gerontopsychology, dementia, brain diseases, assistive technology, psychosocial interventions, user-involvement Billede af Laila Øksnebjerg
Lau Lilleholt Harpviken Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Behavioral Economics, personality, judgment and decision-making, behavioral ethics, social data science Billede af Lau Lilleholt Harpviken
Libby Igra Postdoc Clinical Psychology, psychopathology, psychotherapy research, emotion regulation, meta-cognition, cultural competence in psychotherapy Billede af Libby Igra
Line Nielsen Postdoc Public mental health, mental health promotion, well-being, children/adolescents, intervention, partnerships, social inequality, ABCs of mental health Billede af Line Nielsen
Louise Birkedal Glenthøj Associate Professor Clinical Psychology, psychiatry, psychopathology, virtual reality, psychosis, psychotherapy, randomized clinical trials, neuro- and social cognition Billede af Louise Birkedal Glenthøj
Madeleine Chapman Associate Professor Social Psychology, social identity, marginalisation, deaf identity Billede af Madeleine Chapman
Maja Nyström-Hansen Postdoc Early intervention, play, parent-child interaction, stress, cortisol, trauma, perinatal mental health, Developmental Psychopathology Billede af Maja Nyström-Hansen
Marie Høgh Thøgersen Associate Professor Billede af Marie Høgh Thøgersen
Mark Schram Christensen Associate Professor Control of movements, consciousness, motor control, perception, actions, intentionality, agency, TMS, EEG, fMRI, cognition, perception of movement Billede af Mark Schram Christensen
Martin Vestergaard Gøtzsche Associate Professor Billede af Martin Vestergaard Gøtzsche
Maximilian M. Rabe Postdoc Cognition, reading, eye movements, language processing, computational modelling, Bayesian statistics Billede af Maximilian M. Rabe
Mette Skovgaard Væver Professor Early childhood mental health and development, attachment and care, parenthood, early intervention and prevention, developmental psychopathology Billede af Mette Skovgaard Væver
Mikkel Christoffer Vinding Postdoc Cognitive Neuroscience, motor control, volition, cognitive modeling, M/EEG Billede af Mikkel Christoffer Vinding
Milan Obaidi Associate Professor Islamist & right-wing extremism, political extremism, intergroup relations & conflict, migration, islamophobia, prejudice & deprivation, conspiracy Billede af Milan Obaidi
Monika Anna Walczak Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Clinical Psychology, anxiety disorders and depression in youth, cognitive behavioral therapy, metacognitive therapy, parent-based interventions Billede af Monika Anna Walczak
Nicolas François René Goupil Postdoc Social cognition, early childhood cognition, social and cognitive development, developmental cognitive neuroimaging, social perception, higher vision Billede af Nicolas François René Goupil
Nicoline Hemager Associate Professor Billede af Nicoline Hemager
Oliver James Hulme Associate Professor Reward, decision-making, risk-taking, neuroeconomics, functional neuroimaging, Bayesian modelling, cognitive computational neuroscience, open science Billede af Oliver James Hulme
Paul Maurice Conway Associate Professor Psychosocial work environment, work stress, workplace mistreatment, workplace bullying, sickness presenteeism, ageing, work ability, mental health Billede af Paul Maurice Conway
Pia Ingold Professor Personnel selection and assessment, leadership, social effectiveness, impression management, open science, digitalization in human resource management Billede af Pia Ingold
Randi Starrfelt Professor Neuropsychology, brain injury, reading, face recognition, visual perception Billede af Randi Starrfelt
Ro Julia Robotham Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Neuropsychology, brain injury, cognitive functions, cognitive deficits, visual perception, stroke, cerebral parese, fatigue, gender, the brain Billede af Ro Julia Robotham
Robert Böhm Professor Social Psychology, judgement and decision-making, Economic Psychology, prosociality, cooperation Billede af Robert Böhm
Rosa Ellen Lavelle-Hill Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Big data, machine learning, Explainable AI, Personality and Social Psychology, Environmental Psychology, migration Billede af Rosa Ellen Lavelle-Hill
Sara Kerstine Kaya Nielsen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Psychopathology, treatment, cognitive behaviour therapy, attention control, attachment, psychiatry, assessment, psychotherapy Billede af Sara Kerstine Kaya Nielsen
Sarah Sander Postdoc Early intervention, social inequality, day care, quantitative methods, causality, register data Billede af Sarah Sander
Seamus Anthony Power Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Culture, democracy, diversity, economic inequality, migration, morality, social movements, Denmark, E.U., Ireland, USA Billede af Seamus Anthony Power
Sebastian Simonsen Associate Professor Billede af Sebastian Simonsen
Sebastian Andreas Simon Postdoc Billede af Sebastian Andreas Simon
Signe Allerup Vangkilde Professor, Head of Studies Visual perception and attention, cognition in neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, OCD, Tourette) and clinical disorders (anxiety, depression) Billede af Signe Allerup Vangkilde
Simo Køppe Professor Pre-verbal development of the psyche, historical development of the subject, history and philosophy of science, the psychoanalytic subject model Billede af Simo Køppe
Sonja Breinholst Associate Professor Child and adolescent anxiety, child and adolescent depression, cognitive behavioral therapy, early intervention and prevention Billede af Sonja Breinholst
Sophia Armand Assistant Professor Psychedelic research, psilocybin-assisted research, neurophenomenology, neuroimaging, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Billede af Sophia Armand
Sophie Merrild Juul Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Evidence-based medicine, clinical research methodology, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, adult psychiatry, mentalization, personality disorders Billede af Sophie Merrild Juul
Stephen Fitzgerald Austin Associate Professor Early intervention, treatment of psychosis, processes in clinical and personal recovery, integration of technology into psychiatric treatment Billede af Stephen Fitzgerald Austin
Steven Blurton Associate Professor Cognitive Psychology, visual perception and attention, decision-making, psychological methods, modelling of behaviour, Mathematical Psychology Billede af Steven Blurton
Stig Poulsen Professor Clinical Psychology, psychotherapy research, psychotherapy training, practice-based research Billede af Stig Poulsen
Sucharit Katyal Postdoc Billede af Sucharit Katyal
Sune Bo Hansen Associate Professor Billede af Sune Bo Hansen
Søren Kyllingsbæk Professor Perception, attention, intentions, cognition, mathematical models Billede af Søren Kyllingsbæk
Thomas Habekost Professor Attention, vision, arousal, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology Billede af Thomas Habekost
Thomas Morton Professor, Deputy Head of Department Self and social identity, social change, prejudice and discrimination, Environmental Psychology Billede af Thomas Morton
Thomas Rune Nielsen Associate Professor (Cross-cultural) Neuropsychology, cognitive disorders in neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, ethnic minority groups, cognitive testing Billede af Thomas Rune Nielsen
Thor Grünbaum Associate Professor Philosophy of science, philosophy of psychology and cognitive science, consciousness, prospective memory, motor control Billede af Thor Grünbaum
Tone Roald Associate Professor General Psychology, Personality Psychology, Phenomenological Psychology, qualitative methods, art, aesthetics Billede af Tone Roald
Torben Bechmann Jensen Associate Professor Social Psychology, social research: mental health, youth, marginalization, prostitution, smoking, counselling, migration and education Billede af Torben Bechmann Jensen
Velisar Manea Postdoc Developmental, cognitive science, altercentrism, theory of mind, infancy, pupillometry, social cognition Billede af Velisar Manea
Victoria Helen Southgate Professor Early childhood development, cognitive development, neuroimaging, brain development, social cognition Billede af Victoria Helen Southgate
Xuan Li Associate Professor Fatherhood, parenting, socioemotional development, gender, culture, intercultural interactions, China, Asia Billede af Xuan Li