Jesper Dammeyer Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 68
- Social, communicative, and cognitive development in people with sensory loss (congenital and acquired deafness, blindness, and deafblindness)
- Attention
Kamilla Miskowiak Professor
| Mobile: +45 22 77 16 17
- Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
- Affective disorders
- Prevention and treatment of cognitive impairment and affective disorders (depression and bipolar disorder)
Randi Starrfelt Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 86
- Neuropsychology
- Brain injury
- Visual perception
- Face recognition and blindness
- Reading and reading difficulties
Signe Allerup Vangkilde Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 85
- Visual perception and attention
- Cognition in neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, OCD, and Tourette) and clinical disorders (anxiety and depression)
Søren Kyllingsbæk Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 61 Mobile: +45 93 56 50 38
- Perception and attention
- Intentions
- Mathematical modelling
- Cognitive Neuroscience
Thomas Habekost Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 60
- Visual attention
- Arousal
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Psychology
Victoria Southgate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 43 40
- Early childhood development
- Brain development
- Cognitive development and social cognition
- Neuroimaging
Anders Petersen Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 84
- Visual attention
- Cognitive control
- Mathematical modelling
- Eye tracking, pupillometry, and EEG
Dea Siggaard Stenbæk Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 57 08
- Psychedelic research
- Neuropsychiatry
- Research on the brain
- Depression
Hana Malá Rytter Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 48 75
- Concussion
- Acquired brain injury,
- Neuroplasticity
- Neurorehabilitation, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology
Steven Blurton Associate Professor
- Cognitive Psychology, visual perception, and attention
- Decision-making
- Psychological methods
- Modelling of behaviour
- Mathematical Psychology
Thor Grünbaum Associate Professor
| Phone: +45 35 32 88 57
- General philosophy of science
- Philosophy of science in psychology and cognitive sciences
- Consciousness
- Prospective memory
- Motor control
Dora Kampis Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 39 85
- Social cognition
- Early childhood cognition
- Social and cognitive development
- Developmental cognitive neuroimaging
- Episodic memory
- Source memory
Ro Julia Robotham Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 18 67
- Neuropsychology
- Brain injury and the brain
- Cognitive functions and cognitive deficits
- Visual perception
- Stroke, cerebral palsy, and fatigue
Emanuela Yeung Assistant Professor
- Infancy
- Developmental Psychology and cognitive development
- Social understanding
- Eye-tracking, pupillometry, and EEG
Katarina Begus Assistant Professor
- Infant cognitive development
- Curiosity
- Information seeking
- Active (social) learning
- Neuroimaging
- Eye-tracking
- Caregiver-child interaction
Sophia Armand Assistant Professor
| Phone: +45 35 33 31 87
- Psychedelic Research
- Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy
- Neuroscience
- Neurophenomenology
- AI Methodology
Cécile Gal Postdoc
| Phone: +45 35 33 40 79
- Brain development
- Infancy
- Learning and curiosity
- Neuroimaging, EEG, and eye-tracking
Velisar Manea Postdoc
| Mobile: +45 60 90 66 03
- Infancy and development
- Cognitive science and social cognition
- Altercentrism
- Pupillometry
Anne Marie Hastrup Kristensen PhD student
| Mobile: 50 59 35 25
- Attention development and training
- Cognitive control and digital distractions
- Executive functions
Katrine Sand Andersen PhD student
| Phone: +45 35 32 51 95
- Neuropsychology
- Brain injury
- Cerebral palsy
- Visual perception and cognitive functions