Signe Allerup Vangkilde

Signe Allerup Vangkilde


Born: 26th of December 1980 (Copenhagen, Denmark).

Education: Cand.Psych. (MSc in Psychology, University of Copenhagen, 2006), Ph.D. (University of Copenhagen, 2011).

Leave: Maternity leave 2004 and 2007.

Current position:

2014-        : Associate professor of Cognitive Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2014-        : Senior researcher (20%) at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Capital Region of Denmark.


Previous positions:

2013-2014 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2012-2013: Postdoc, Center for Neuropsychological Attention Studies, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2012-2013: Postdoc, Center for Visual Cognition, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2007-2011: Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2006-2007: Research assistant, Dept. of Psychology, KU.

2006:          Research scholarship, KU priority area “Brain and Mind.


Administration and evaluation experience

Member of the Steering Group at Center for Visual Cognition, KU: 2013-

Evaluator of applications for academic positions (PhD scholarships, postdocs): 2014-

Member of the PhD Study Board at Dept. of Psychology, KU: 2007-2010

Member of the Institute Council at Dept. of Psychology, KU: 2008-2013

Ad-hoc reviewer for Neuropsychologia, Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Frontiers in Psychology, and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.



2013-        :  Senior researcher in the EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network INDIREA: Individualised Diagnostics and Rehabilitation for Attentional disorders. Collaborating partners: The University of Oxford, University Pompeu Fabre Barcelona, Copenhagen University, Trinity College Dublin, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg, Brain Products Ltd.

2010-        : Member of the International TVA network (ITVA) which provides extensive interaction with researcher from several European countries and the US.

2011-2012: Guest researcher at the Centre for Advanced Study: Cognition in aging - contributions of cognitive neuroscience and cognitive neurogenetics (PI: Prof. Ivar Reinvang, University of Oslo). Total stay 1 month.

2007-2010: Multiple short research stays with research fellow Jennifer T. Coull at the Laboratoire de Neurobiologie de la Cognition, Université Aix-Marseille. Total stay 1 month.

2007-2011: Meetings, conferences, and courses as a PhD student funded by the Nordic Center of Excellence in Cognitive Control. Venues: Umeå, Stockholm, Bergen, Reykjavik, Sct. Petersburg.

2007-2011: Meetings and seminars as a PhD student involved in the European Collaborative Research Programme (ESF-ECRP) research project “The short and long range dynamics of attention” (PI: Christian Olivers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam). Venues: Amsterdam, Dublin, Copenhagen.

2004: Research intern at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Turku, Finland. Total stay 2 months.

ID: 542516